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Awards & Recognitions

Halawai NY Pacific Time Awardee
Lower Manhattan Cultural Council Artist In Residence
Downtown Brooklyn Rehearsal Residency Artist In Residence
Gibney Dance BIPOC Rehearsal Residency Artist In Residence
Asia Pacific Dance Festival Presenter
Dance/NYC Symposium Panelist

Linda Kuo

Born in Taiwan and raised in Honolulu, I am bilingual in Mandarin and English. With a background in communicatios and marketing since 2002, I pivoted to dance in 2006. Since then, I have performed and presented my work and dance festivals in Asia, Hawaiʻi and US Mainland.

I am the Co-Founder and Director of Dancers Unlimited, a bi-coastal company based in Honolulu and NYC. Since 2009, the company has grown from hosting free youth dance classes on Furlough Fridays in Hawai’i to touring internationally and establishing a NYC chapter. DU is now a 501(c)3 nonprofit company, and I am proud to continue serving its mission as Executive and Co-Artistic Director.

The growth of DU has taken me on a journey as an artistic director, choreographer, international event producer, merchandise manager, video editor, graphic designer, fundraiser and a nonprofit arts manager - basically everything I have needed to know to manage and grow a bi-coastal dance company.

I was also the Co-Founder of Loading Zone Arts, a former creative space for artists of all trades in Chinatown, Hawai’i. Loading Zone was featured in NY Times, and hosted over 60 art shows and hundreds of collaborative arts events - both on site and mobile.

My artistry is rooted in Hawaiian and Taiwanese values, and fulfilling my kuleana (responsibility) to my community is a driving force of my work. I wholeheartedly enjoy connecting communities and collaborating with creative professionals.

University of The Arts, MFA in Dance (in-progress)
Boston College, B.A in Communications & Economics
New York University, Nonprofit Arts Management Certificate
Urban Bush Women Summer Leadership Institute
Dance Education Lab (certification)
Iolani School